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DiscoverU Kentucky is founded on the belief that you know yourself best, and you can set yourself up for success.
DiscoverU Kentucky empowers individuals with disabilities, 14 and up, to become independent, active members of their community through education, awareness, and advocacy.
DiscoverU Kentucky welcomes individuals with disabilities, 14 and up, family members, guardians, community leaders, and business partners to join us in our mission.
DiscoverU Kentucky is a collaborative agreement between the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities and Zoom Group, Inc. to establish and expand an enriched DiscoverU program statewide and to create systemic change in Kentucky that empowers people to achieve a sense of belonging, full citizenship, and inclusion, in the community.
DiscoverU_Kentucky has an online presence along with community (in-person) group meetings and school programming. The program is facilitated by Zoom Group, Inc. in Louisville, KY.
The goal is to connect our Commonwealth through regional grassroots efforts, building upon each region’s advocacy and empowerment issues; DiscoverU Kentucky strives to build an (Advocacy and Awareness) Leadership Council, including Peer Mentors to… Be the Change You Wish To See in the World.
For a full list of upcoming events, visit this page on our One Cause site (opens in a new tab).
Have additional questions? Contact, or call (502) 581-0658
We invite all 14 & up to join us in our mission, including individuals with disabilities, their family members, guardians, community leaders, and business partners.
Peer Mentors are people with disabilities who provide counseling and advice to other disabled people. This peer-based model provides valuable assistance to others based on shared experience.
Zoom Group provides individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities opportunities to work and engage socially in their community. Learn more at